This look is really simple and all you need is three shades of colors. i like to use a light shimmery gold color for the inner eye corner of the eyelid, a taupe or greyish purple for the crease and a light grey/brown color for the rest of the eyelid, also a primer your favorite black liner (liquid preferred) and mascara
step one: prime eye lid area up to area below eyebrow
step two: apply the light shimmery gold to the inner corner of the eye, apply this color only to the inner half
step three tale the greyish light brown color and apply that to the rest of the lid and a little bit beyond the crease to the area just above the crease.
step four: take the taupe grey color, which should be darker than the color in step three, and apply that to the crease and take the color out towards the end of your eyebrow.
step five (optional): take a dark color and apply it to the outer v-area of your eye, so apply it to the outer crease and the end of the eyelid. this will make the look more dramatic!
step six: apply a light highlighting shade under the eyebrow
step seven: apply eyeliner and mascara and falsies if you like and your look is complete!
hope you like this look guys!
please comment and tell me if i need to do things differently or even request a look i would love to redo looks :D
Lovely look! Which eyeliner did you use?