Thursday, 31 March 2011


I just love how every canucks game that ive watched regardless if they are home or away games you can't tell if they are. it doesnt even matter where they play everyone these days are representing the canucks! its awsome! and now they've won the Presidents Trophy, it can only go up hill from here! i cant wait for the playoffs to start! GO CANUCKS GO!
ok so i want to make a vlog.... but i have no clue where to start.....



so its ihrtSRK here and this is my first ever ever ever post! this is going to be my blog that is affiliated with my youtube VLOG lol :) so basically i want to blog about makeup and ive been inspired by sooo many ppl, friends, youtubers and everyone and i know theres already more than enough makeup based channels, however i feel there is a lack of indian/south asian makeup tutorials and i want to pretty much pertain to that demographic, people with skin and skin pigmentation like mine! So ill be reviewing products and tutorialing( if thats even a word). and it wont stop there, it will be just a well rounded channel for everyone however there will be more of an emphasis on make up for a darker complexion. i hope you will watch and enjoy..
peace and love <3